Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Winds Bring the Rain

Each morning one of the teachers at the school tells the students .. hear that bird, it is calling to the winds who will bring the rains. It is a commonly held belief here that the summer months, which are so dry and hot, have these amazing gusts of winds - mostly in the mornings and it is these winds that will bring the rains in Jan. I don't know if it's true or not, but it's kind of fun to think about.

As we near the end of September, it is getting hot. When I first got here it was not so bad - warm, but comfortable. Now, it is becoming warmer and warmer and I find that being outside around 2:00pm is not such a great idea. I am drinking lots of water, as are the children and others who live at the Village.

This week I began to teach recorder classes - it is a lot of fun and almost all of the kids have taken to learning this instrument. I have also completed 20 assessments of the kids here and am in process of completing the write ups and sharing with both the teachers and the housemothers here.

Some of the kids have decided that I should learn to speak their native tongue - nyange - so they say words to me, have me repeat them back and then tell me what it means in English - it is slow going :)

Yesterday I spent the entire afternoon with the kids at the Village - mostly the boys, though, as they wanted me to read to them. I read for 2 hours - they picked up book after book and this morning they were waiting on the porch for me to read some more. I think I have found my group. Also, the kids realized that I had video capabilities on my phone and, so I recorded about 5 videos of the kids just being silly or singing or dancing around. Then, of course, they had to watch the playback over and over.

Being with the kids and just being at the Village has been such a blessing and a great time. One of the funniest stories this week was told to me by one of the housemothers, Mommy Rose. As I was walking to school on Friday, Mommy Rose came out to talk to me. She said that Gift was with the other kids before walking to school, when he all the sudden appeared outside her kitchen window. She heard Gift saying, "I think you should stay here" - upon looking out the window, Gift was shooing the flies off his body and telling them to stay there - such a hoot.

On Tuesday I head to Livingston to go to Victoria Falls - should be an interesting and exciting trip!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Singing in the Morning

One of my favorite experiences at the Village so far, is the fact that the children gather together at 7:15am to sing before they walk to school. I am enjoying hearing this as I get ready in the morning or on the occasion that I am awake and ready, I join them and then walk to school with them. All people should start their mornings like this.

I am also enjoying playing games with the children in the afternoon - usually this is monkey in the middle, which appears to be a cross between monkey in the middle and dodgeball - I am usually the target and the kids laugh and laugh when they hit me and I'm out.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hockey Pokey and "Auntie, Push Me"

kids playing hockey pokey as they waited for hair cuts

Yesterday I played with the kids outside while they waited to get their haircuts. They wanted to see pics of my family and so, I brought my laptop outside and showed them the pics that I have. Then, they wanted to "write" their names on my computer, so I opened Word and we proceeded to write each child's name in a document, so that they could see it. Finally, they discovered that I have music on the computer and had me search through the music to see what they wanted to hear - we finally stumbled upon the Hockey Pokey - they formed a circle and began doing the dance, over and over :)

There is a swingset near the cottages and several of the children were swinging and as I walked by, "auntie, push me", so I spent the better part of an hour pushing on the swings and showing the kids how to hook their legs over the bars and swing upside down.

Today, we had church - I must admit that I felt moved to tears today - the children lead the service - the singing and the drum playing (I recorded much of this) and also the praying. There were about 50+ kids and 6 adults. Watching and experiencing this ... I have no words right now.

Friday, September 10, 2010

School is in Session

sunset in Zambia - taken at Ibis Gardens

Yesterday was the first day of school - one of the teachers is ill, so I immediately became a sub-assistant in the room - I also was able to run my first group with this class - it was alot of fun and today I was able to run the group again and the kids were singing one of the songs out in the playground after.

Today, I began the task of starting to assess some of the students at school - it is make-shift, but seems to be working okay - I assessed four kids and then had the opportunity to meet with Kathleen and the teachers to discuss - this was interesting and one of the teachers expressed an interest in learning more about music therapy as she believes that it can enhance how she works with the students.

I am learning much about the culture of Zambia, but also about the people that I am able to interact with. All seem eager to hear about me and where I am from as well as share their life experiences and stories, too. This has been highly enjoyable and I look forward to continuing to listen to people's stories.

I am trying to upload photos, but so far no dice.

Also, a story for M'lade, Steve and Stephanie (whom I know will appreciate this) - so, my flight to Zambia was uneventful for the most part - I basically slept. However, for the first time EVER, the overhead compartment about me opened when we were taking off and a bottle and snickers bar fell on my head - this after just watching the safety video where an animated person had bags fall on their head. I knew the three of you would want to hear this story :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Butterfly Kisses

I was supposed to post this yesterday, but I couldn't get a good connection, so...on the day that I arrived I saw and smelled that the land surrounding the Village had been scorched. Apparently in the dry season, bush fires are common and they just go until they burn themselves out. However, at the Village the farming students were supposed to do a controlled burn, but it quickly got out of control, so much of the land surrounding the garden and homes is scorched. But, I am told that despite the fact that it will not rain for at least 3 more months, green grass will grow ... there is no explanation, but grass and trees grow in the dry season. Beside this scorched area grows 230 tomato plants, green maize (to eat), cabbage heads and potatoes. Yesterday I helped the school teachers set up their classrooms and the library that is set up - dusting shelves and books. I must admit by the end of it I, too, was covered in a layer of dirt as it is VERY dusty in Zambia at this time of year. On the flip side - no mosquitoes!!! I also had the chance to observe an impromptu game of dodge ball with the children and received my first butterfly kisses - she said "auntie" (for this is what they call me and all others, unless you are a man, then you are uncle), took  my arm and said "butterfly kisses" and fluttered her lashes against my skin. I can't remember the last time I received a butterfly kiss - so innocent and sweet, I, in turn, reciprocated. Also, I drove yesterday - can you believe that I was allowed to do this, for those who know me well? Plus, I had to drive on what, for us, is the wrong side of the road. Amazingly, I killed no one and did not hit anything! This was a good start to my days here in Zambia and I am excited for what comes next.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

And I Am Off Again...

This time to Zambia, Africa where I will stay at Village of Hope with All Kids Can Learn International, Inc. I am excited to spend time in Africa - this will be my first trip to this continent and I look forward to this experience.

Tomorrow begins my, approximately, 30 hours of travel between car, train, airlines ... hopefully, I'll sleep through most of it.

And so, the next chapter of my life begins