Saturday, September 4, 2010

And I Am Off Again...

This time to Zambia, Africa where I will stay at Village of Hope with All Kids Can Learn International, Inc. I am excited to spend time in Africa - this will be my first trip to this continent and I look forward to this experience.

Tomorrow begins my, approximately, 30 hours of travel between car, train, airlines ... hopefully, I'll sleep through most of it.

And so, the next chapter of my life begins


  1. What an exciting adventure and opportunity, Janelle! Safe travels!

  2. hey, you better enjoy yourself & be carefull too. hmmm...Africa, WOW....we all can dream, so open your eyes & your mind, and live the dream Janelle, and most importantly to make a difference,to Learn-Teach-Inspire. R&R is good too........: )take lots of photos.

  3. good luck and be safe over there.
